Why do conservatives oppose a universal healthcare system?

I watched Michael Moore's "Sicko" documentary and our healthcare system should be more like socialist Cuba's. They have the best hospitals and doctors because they are run by the government, instead of corporations that only care about profit.


  • They don't have the best hospitals, michael moore chary picks the facts. First off, this is america we believe in freedom. That is the most important issue. But as for it working, sure it brings down prices for those who could not previously afford it, but the worst part is the lines are much longer. Health insurance premiums go up for those who could afford them, the doctors are not the best, and you end up having to go through a process of seeing if your condition is worthy of being seen by a doctor, before you can make an appointment, simply because of the amount of people that are now able to see the doctor.

    Universal healthcare is bad, anytime the government gets involved with something it tends to not be good. But also, if you like cuba, go and live there.

  • So, you didn't see the Cuban hospitals that the common Cuban people would go to. You only saw the presidential facilities.

    Why do liberals ignore the warning signs? When the healthcare was passed, nobody had even read it. They said they would find out what it said later. Also, the politicians exempted themselves from it. Why would they not want what they were forcing on the rest of us? At the time it was being passed, I had no health insurance, and Obama said that people who did not pay for health insurance would go to jail. OMG... makes me think Democrats are crazy.

  • They value profit for a tiny minority of the population over all forms of life. So, they'd prefer to have care rationed based on wealth to having a functioning, lower-cost health care system. They're also ideologically opposed to morality.

  • Ask Hugo who fled his own "free" health care once he got sick.

    Oh and show me one organization (aside form the military) that runs better as a government business than as a private business.

  • Because they support Big Business in its search for never-ending profits.

  • I've been to Cuba.

    I don't want their health care.

    I've been treated in the UK in a disgustingly filthy hospital with broken equipment.

    I don't want their health care either.

    Now France? Has a nice system but it's a private/public partnership. But it's still not the be all and end all with medical care either. They have the advantage of having a generally healthier population than we have here, too. So I'm not sure that system can be scaled.

  • Can you please move to Cuba then?

  • Their puppet masters, the profiteers of the proven dysfunctional for-profit model of healthcare, pay them [bribe them] to oppose it.

  • Beats me. Everyone can see how well the govt runs things. Just look at how much better the USPS is than UPS or FedEx.

  • They think anything paid for by taxes is bad.

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