i am adopting a rescue eurasier dog .?

I have the fortunate luck to add a 1 year old pure breed eurasier dog to my family. He was aquired by a reputable breeder and sold to a couple who got divorced and relinquished the pet. He will be left intact so that the breeder can use him as a stud a couple of times over the course of his life but he will be mine. Im concerned about temperment. The breeder says that the ownwers did not have alot of time for the dog and left him alone alot over his first year of life and thus is now he is very needy of attention. I have a family with 3 small children but work only 2 days out of the week so have alot of time to give him. I also have a spayed 3 year old shiba inu dog and 3 ragdoll cats. My concern is if this dog can be happy with my family and if he will be able to reaclimate and become the happy confident relaxed dog we want.


  • We can't know the answer! It would depend partly on the dog's genetic temperament and a whole lot on the amount of socializing and training YOU do and how skillful you are at it. A dog with a stable temperament wouldn't have any problems provided a lot of time is put in now - take him to a lot of places, get him enrolled in obedience class and you've made a good start. And make sure your children know how to treat dogs and never leave the dog and children unsupervised.

  • It really will depend on how the other animals interact with the new dog. It sounds like you have enough time to work with him, so that should be a plus.

  • A reputable breeder that needs to use YOUR dog as a stud you say?

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