If gay marriage is a "moral" or "religious" issue...?

...then why don't the good Christians stand up for ALL offenses to marriage?

For example,

"A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed". That is Deuteronomy 22:13

Should all people that lose their virginity before marriage have their marriages annulled? It says so in the Holy Bible...the word of God himself!


  • They should!!! AND THEY SHALL BE EXECUTED!!!!!!

    *sharpens machete*


    Edit: Dear (below),

    Thank you for continuing the social stereotype that men being "feminine" is bad, or that masculine women are bad. Glad to see that even gays have backward views on how people "should" act.

    Love, (apparently)

    Feminine gay.

  • Just a comment only on the scripture you used at

    Deuteronomy 22:13 (actually the entire

    context is verses 13-20)

    That is the Mosaic Law Code. Christians

    are not under the Mosaic Law Code.

  • Spiritually speaking, it is which will ask a question which would be on shaky floor so some distance as Y!A and the report monkeys are worried. it form of feels stupid, besides the fact that it often works. And there are some people who nevertheless care approximately violation notices. i think of maximum individuals parent that any given account is on borrowed time in case you take part in this communicate board often, yet there are people who do exactly unlike getting VN's.

  • It is neither moral nor religious. It has been stated before mankind what God expects. We all fall short of his glory. My question is if these unions are to become commonly practiced and accepted by society, can those who practice the homosexual lifestyle accept that theirs is an unfruitful relationship? No matter what science/medical technology allows they can never produce offspring together.

  • It's not directly a religious issue. The classic marriage ought to be supported and honored because it is the best institution for having and raising children.

  • As long as there are kids starving in Africa, I'm afraid gay rights will have to take a back seat on the causses that I give a whoopity do about.

  • It shouldn't be any of the above. If you are against gay marriage then don't have one.

  • They are christians, how do you expect them to live without double standards??

  • Because it's fun to find one single sore and pick at it, right?


    Fetch me musket and me cleaving axe!

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