Does you anger control you..?


Do you get sick and tired of these types dumping their

anger issues on you


  • NOPE - I refuse to dwell on past events.

  • My anger and I have an understanding. I think anyone with a single ounce of intelligence knows what anger is, we must have all felt it. This might show itself as a fleeting annoyance, maybe full-fledged rage.

    Is anger completely normal, is it healthy, well one thing for sure it is a human emotion. Yes! But what happens if it gets out of control and turns destructive? Can it lead to problems, problems at work, in personal relationships, and eventually go on to effect quality of life? It shows no mercy, it can be unstable, it can be unpredictable, and it is a powerful emotion.

  • I have never had anger in my life. Maybe slight irritation but I pretty much never get angry. I'm just really phlegmatic and easy-going I guess?

  • No I'm a calm person and doesn't feel anger that much

  • Sometimes

  • No, I don't have any

  • it doesnt really control me

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