poll do you think kindness is contagious?

I hope so and wish it could spread like the flu he he he

what kind acts have you witnessed


  • In the hospital waiting room near the ICU the people in here support each other and it is good, we listen to each others stories and watch out for each others belongings. We praise God for the small miracles that happen and cry together when something falls back one way or the other. It is good. I am not happy here at all but I am learning

  • Yes I do Debby.

    I wish kindness would spread like wildfire.

    I've witnessed a young child holding a door open for an elderly lady; my husband often helps when he sees someone trying to reach the top shelf in the grocery store and I've witnessed someone giving someone else the change they needed at the checkout counter.

  • I like to see kindness as contagious yes!

    I did something nice the other day for an older lady in the store, and smiled, and saw someone else smile too and it felt good!

  • a ton of B As i got today. Very kind to get those. I havent seen too many kind acts lately. My son shared a junior mint package with me today. That was nice.

  • Yes, if someone is nice to you and puts you in a positive mood it makes you want to be nice as well.

    It goes the other way too though. If someone is mean to you it puts you in a negative mood and you will not feel like being kind.

  • Hi Debby,

    Not to many in this world of ours..People would steal the last dime an elderly woman..It's really sad how most people are anymore..

    Your Friend,


  • Yes, I have not witnessed any acts of kindness today because I haven't been anywhere!!


  • i hate overly happy people

    especially the attention craving kind


    is that kind enough? oh-i think i hear a giggle, it must be contagious indeed!!!

    EEEP! i'm so happy

    -Devil to the Metal

  • Absolutley.

    But not in the way you'd expect.

    More like peer pressure.

    If someone does something nice for you,

    you obviously have to be nice to them.

  • I'm about to find out, I have a slightly disgruntled customer coming over soon.

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