Is American Dingo/Carolina Dog same as Australian Dingo?

I have my 2nd Carolina dog and have been doing some research on them for a while. From what I have read on the web is mixed answers. By looking at pictures the American Ding looks just like the Australian Dingo if pure bred. Both of mine looked like pure breeds when compared to online pictures. I am wondering if we are just calling the Australian Dingo an American Dingo/Carolina dog to protect the reputation of the Dingo till people realize what a great dog they actually are.

On another note I did start a yahoo group for Dingo and other wild dogs for people interested in learning and sharing info they know. Come join if interested in learning or sharing info about Dingoes and other wild dogs owned as pets. This is the web link:

Thank you.


  • I just googled both and they look exactly like my Malaysian Pariah Dogs, which in turn look just like Indian Pariah Dogs. However, the populations have been separated from each other for many thousands of years, so they are probably not that close genetically. I believe that this appearance is the domestic dog's "default configuration" that they all revert to when they haven't been selectively bred for particular characteristics.

  • American Dingo Pictures

  • American Dingo Dog

  • They look exactly the same so I'd say yeah probably it is. Having K-9's such as this can be both a good thing and a dog thing. Uping the reputation of a breed is important which I know. I've had 3 pit bulls :) but be carful, dogs like that can go back to their natural instincts.

  • From what I can see they look similar but are not related. I think if anything this is similar to of convergent evolution.

  • i am going to say yes

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