Who likes American Eskimo dogs?

I have a toy-miniature American Eskimo cross (yes the breed does come in 3 sizes, standard, miniature, and toy... check the AKC website: http://www.akc.org/breeds/american_eskimo_dog/ )

I love him. He's very smart, curious, protective, loving (he loves to give kisses) hyper, playful, and just a joy to have around, despite having to take him outside lots on the leash at our apartment (he goes to his "grandma's" at least once or twice a week though to play with their dogs, including a 10 yr old Eskie Nikki, and run in the yard when we leave the apartment to go to school, work, shopping, etc.). He sleeps with us in our bed.

He is very intelligent, but sometimes has a problem with being a bit rebellious. He's a good dog.

Who else has an Eskie? They are so beautiful, and the love they give you is unlike the love from any other dog.

I love the way they "smile" when they are happy.


They are good dogs for people with allergies as they produce little dander. Shedding and barking and hyperactivity are the most common complaints, but these can be effectively managed through diet, and training and making sure that you can exercise them enough.

Their fur tends to repel dirt and has little odor which is also a plus, especially if your puppy likes to dig (its amazing. he would come to the door at his grandma's with dirty paws as you catch him digging in the flower bed, 5 minutes later no dirt at all except on nails).

They are smart, loyal, beautfiul dogs.

If you are trying to find an Eskie try one of the many rescue groups or contact a breeder. The toys are rarer, but there have been lots of miniature puppies here.

I love Eskies. Great dogs, easy to train, love to please.

Update 3:

Buddy's mom was a miniature American Eskimo and his dad was a toy sized American Eskimo.


  • I have a female American Eskimo (standard, though, not toy) and her name is Holly, and yeah, she's pretty much the most awesome thing ever. I adopted her from the Humane Society, where I work...she came in there with alot of serious issues, as she had been severely abused. (How someone can do stuff like that, I'll never know.)

    You're right about the "smiling." I can tell instantly when she's happy. And she can communicate her love with just her eyes.

    She's made alot of strides in the two months I've had her, but still has alot of fear issues to work on (primarily men, walking on a leash, strangers, and loud noises) and it's gonna take a l-o-n-g time to overcome them, but she's my baby and I'll NEVER give up!!!

    Enjoy your Eskimo!

  • Samoyeds look very similar to American Eskimos and are larger. But they don't have shorter hair. Perhaps you're thinking of an Akita? Siberian Huskies can also come in solid white, although it's not very common.

  • I have a mini eskie and she is 15. I got her from a friend when she was 11. Now she is pretty much blind and somewhat mute.

    she is a good dog except for the damn barking! I'm glad she warns me when someone is around but sheesh-stop already when I say stop!

  • I have an eskie as well. His name is Hudsonm short for the Oakland A's Baseball player Tim Hudson. It was my dad's idea. I've had him for 5 years. He was born 2/2/02 actually!

  • You can adopt one on line, go to AKC website and it tells you how to do it......any breed for that matter...for adoption or they even have the rescue clubs listed. they are gorgeous, you can have a toy or miniature, they come in between sizes....

    its either, toy, miniature or giant, check the website, AKC for descriptions again.......what other breed is your dog, you said it was mixed...post a pic, even the eskies mixed sure are cute, and thanks for adopting a dog,,,your a good person and I am sure your eskie thanks you a thousand times over,...

  • I saw one in a pet shop a month ago and he was absolutely adorable. I already have two samoyeds so I couldn't get another dog but I rang around a few people to see if they wanted him, i was prepared to pay for him. He was so cute and cheeky, really stood out from the other pups that were there.

  • i have 1 named "Boo".hes sweet 2 my mom but mean to me,my bros,and my other dogs.thats the only reson we are rehoming him.that and we have 2 many dogs (at least i think 10 dogs is 2 many)

  • I was gonna get one, until I got tired of looking for it -_- since I couldn't find a stupid toy, or mini!!!! yeah, they're cute when they're pups, but when they start to grow, eh.. they're alright :) I love the whiteness

  • Its a mutt. I hate it already.

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