How do I uprgrade to a 64-bit operating system for my windows vista computer?

I currently have a 32-bit operating system and I play minecraft and really want 64 bit to use far render distance? Does anyone know how to uprgrade or where to download and install the 64 bit uprgrade?


  • You have to buy the 64 bit version of Windows. Make sure your cpu can handle it though.

  • Don't think you can install an upgrade - you would have to get the 64-bit Windows version.

  • You have to buy a 64-bit version of windows. Then be sure you computer

    specifications will handle it.

  • You have to remember also!

    Moving from 32 bit to 64 bit, you have to do a clean install...

    I hope you have an external hard drive to back everything up.

  • You'd need a 64 bit computer first.

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