Does work?

Does it,and real answers plz


@Hardy Jenns. I don't need to grow up thank you very much


  • Of course not. Websites don't grant wishes. How could you even begin to imagine that such things might be possible?

  • No, wishes do not work when you say then online. Wishes don't happen point final, you are the one that must achieve anything in life. It's not a shooting star or an accept button that will let you stay with a guy forever or to cure cancer from someone. These are self depending endings.

  • Yeah, somebody who knows how to make people's wishes come true put up a website and decided to make money from Adsense ads on their site. Yeah.....right.

    If they could actually make people's wishes come true they'd wish to win the lottery or to know which stock will make them a lot of money tomorrow and they'd be too rich to even bother making a website or putting up Adsense ads for income.

  • Hi Claire!

    Have you ever asked yourself where that empty place in your life came from? The answer is, it came from God—and He put it there so you wouldn't be satisfied with your life the way it is, but you would seek Him—and find Him.

    God created you. You aren't here by accident or by chance; God put you here. More than that, He put something of Himself in you—what we call your soul or spirit. You aren't just a body and a mind; you also have a spiritual side to you—a soul or spirit God gave you. The Bible says that when God created the first man, He "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7, KJV).

    Why did He do that? He did it for one reason: so you and I could know Him and have fellowship with Him forever. He wants to be our friend! But when we ignore Him or leave Him out of our lives, that empty place in our souls remains unfilled—and nothing else can fill it. We find ourselves restless and lost, without hope and alienated from God.

    But it doesn't need to be this way! God loves you—and the proof is that He sent His only Son into the world to remove the barriers and bring us back to God. By a simple prayer of faith you can turn to Jesus Christ right now and ask Him to come into your life. When you do, His peace will fill your life.

  • Sadly, No. I've tried it, many times..wishful thinking.

  • not really

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