INDIA:Is baba ramdev true or fake?

all d so called satayagrah done by baba ramdev have something 2 do bid society n pepole or there is some politics involved....


  • Its true that he come forward aganist blackmoney. Well he have the anual income of Rs1100 crores so d'nt need any cheap publicity. Not concern about baba we all concern about black money. Once the swiz bank cheif said if all these indian black money come to india

    the government can rule without tax for 27 years.

    India can overtake US and china in 3 yrs and plenty more.

    Its good that someone come forword aganist blackmoney and sure we must support him. Just like swami vevekananda

  • I am sad that the question of true or fake activity doesn't crop up when some Activists support criminals and terrorists; when regional linguistic or communal chauvinists divide people and create chaos; or when a govt gives fake excuses to support corruption and black money!!!

    Ram Dev has a large following and wants to use his influence to force govt to clean its governance, free from influence of corrupt ones and black money holders! If he has political motives is out of question, since anyone, even you and me can enter politics!

    If he has large income for which he pays his taxes, it is ok. Rich are not barred in politics, particularly when great number of MPs are crorepathis already!

    If you are simply ignorant or averse to analyse the evil propaganda against campaigns to unearth black money and curb corruption, by rulers and their supporters, it is you own fault / illusion!

    You and I can not take such a massive campaign, so some celebrated persons t ake up the cause to involve people in a big way. Govt has reasons to be worried as it would lose the support of big trade and rich men steeped in all evils like corruption and tax evasion! Why do you join the pro govt critics who want to pull down the people's movement mobilised by the like of Ram Dev or Hazare? Then you would also be considered as a corporate / political interest, keen to protect black money stashed in tax havens!

  • Whosoever Baba Ramdeo or Anna opposes UPA/Congress for corruption, he is labelled to be BJP/RSS supporter and designated as politically ambitious,as the asker has stated. Neither Anna nor Baba Ramdeo is to be labelled or designated to be politically ambitious.Only Congress or UPA thinjs so because Congress/UPA people are totally corrupt and Baba Ramdeo and Anna are fighting to finish corruption Both are true to their intentions. Bijay Krishna Pandey, Gorakhpur(INDIA) email [email protected]

  • Freedom of speech is fundamental right guaranteed by constitution. Only very few countries gave such freedom. But it is misused by some people. But here I think it is not adversely affected the society in any way as it was her wish which is nothing to do with common man. If at all be blamed, only the media which project this much can be blamed.

  • The issue raised by Baba is very relevant for general public and our country though now he appears to be political ambitious.

    The Govt at Centre who so ever talk about the country or masses immediately brand them RSS/BJP men and politically untouchable while forgetting atrocities dione by them to tribal(naxals), Sikhs etc.

    It can be surely assumed that the money in foreign banks belong to Congress men hence they are hell bound to protect their interests.

  • It is not the question of true or fake.It depends on the effectiveness and impact.He is neither a seasoned politician nor a social worker.As such his action in respect of corruption may not have impression on the public.

  • 100% Fake Person.

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