Condom broke?

I had sex today with a girl i know who sleeps around alot i used condom but it broke i asked her if she usually uses condoms she said only if the guy wants to am I at risk of stds?


  • you should get tested just to make sure

  • She's at risk of getting pregnant, the only way you'll get Stds is if she's a carrier of one, and if she has got one then she could of given it to you.

    Though this is why it's best to ask these things before you have sex with somebody, and have safe sex, because if you don't then you could either become a father or catch something they've already got.

    Try not to panic because it's more likely that you haven't got anything from her, but if you really want to have peace of mind then get checked out at a sexual health clinic, they will tell you if you're at risk. Better to be tested early than to suffer later.

  • Yes, you are at risk.

  • You might be at risk, I'd suggest going to see a health professional/doctor.

  • You have a 50/50 chance

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