Do you prefer Nora or Dora?
I'm writing a story and would like some opinions.
I honestly love the name Nora, but I don't want to pick a name that's overused in books or movies, you know, like 'hush hush' or I don't know...
I also have warmed up to the name Dora (Isadora) as I think it's unique and my character will or may become more memorable, if given a distinctive name. Ofcourse, then you have Dora the Explorer but that's not really bothering me.
Don't know what to do!
Update:DORY could be another
I love the name Nora too. One of my friends and one of my favorite literary characters of all time (Nora from A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen) have that name. Plus, it just sounds nice.
Dora reminds me of Dora the Explorer too. I think Isadora is lovely, prettier than Nora, but Dora is just kind of meh for me.
Although, listen, your character's name isn't really all that important unless she's part of some ancient/cursed/powerful/traditional family (which I'm assuming she's not), so don't worry about it too much. What's more important is her characterisation, how you write her. So just put your pencil to the paper and whatever name comes first, use that one
I love the name Nora.
I think Dora is fine as a nickname to Isadora. Dora as the name just reminds me of Dora the Explora.
Dory is also a fine nickname to Isadora. The only other really famous Dory I know of is from Finding Nemo.
Just pick one, either is fine. The distinctive-ness of a name does not determine if the character is memorable. The character of the character, does. How they react to situations, does. And as the writer, it is your job to create a wonderful character and throw them into fun situations.
Good Luck
NORA. No offense to anyone named Dora, but I can't stand that name. Isadora is fine, just not Dora.
As for Dory, I might dislike that one more than Dora. Don't let some random teenager on the internet decide your character's name for you, though.
I much prefer Nora. Dora/Dory reminds me of a very snotty girl I had to deal with once.
i went out with a dumb dora at one time. couldent even boil water. anyways her sister nora wasent half that bad.