how to use teliconises power?

to float a dollar bill?


well i cant well only a little but i need more advice on how to do it


  • Most magicians use monofilament line to float their 'telekinesis' objects

  • First of all, you have spelled it wrong. It is called telekinesis and is a form of telepathic (mental) kinesis (movement). Your limbs, when they move, are actually a direct form of telekinesis as you must use your brain to move a single muscle, although that is not projected out of the body. Telekinesis may come under occultic things like black magic and use supernatural forces which may be from the dark side of metaphysical influences and be similar in ways to Astral Projection, the use of Spirit Guides, etc, and may be very dangerous to dabble in, from a Christian perspective. I would advise not to try that at all.

  • Think "dollar bill float!!!"

    It woked for me

    Hope I helped

  • First get a large crowd around you, and I heard if you squeeze your buttocks just right with your right arm raised and your left leg kicking as high as you can it will float!

    Works every time! The bigger the crowd the higher it will float

    Ok, try flapping your arms harder!

  • the question is, if you have telekenisis why would you wanna make a dollar float? i can think of much more fun things to do

  • dont know but when you find out let me know...

    ehehehehehe hm making money float into my pocket sounds nice!

  • umm... are you serious? I dont think you can do that...

  • haa!

    i wish i could do that.

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