do famous people use their real names?

do famous people, like actors and directors, use their real names? or do they use "pen name" type things?


  • No not all the time. Sometimes they use their middle names or nick names that people give them or their manager gives them or sometimes they just make one up themselves. They want to protect their identity in a sense. But some artists use their real name.-Latina

  • It depends on their label, agent, CEO. Whatever sounds better for the industry. If having a cute tag makes them more noticeable, then that's what they gear towards. What I have noticed though, is the fact that even after marriage, female actresses and artists tend to keep their maiden names. More than likely, not to confuse their fans, or minimize their status. I think that's fantastic... Considering our men today!

  • Some celebs use their real names, but I think you'll find that most don't. Using their middle name as their surname seems to be popular....or using their middle name as their first name seems to popular too. I'm sure there are web-sites with lists of celebs who have used completely fake names. E.G. Marilyn Monroe's real name is Norma-Jean Mortinson.

  • they don't always use their real names. ex. jamie foxx, whoopi goldberg, vanna white, nicolas cage, miley cyrus. but most of them use their real names.

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