IR Spectra?

List the distinctive featurs of the IR spectra of isopentyl acetate, isopentyl alcohol, and acetic acid. Assign absorbtion bands.

I have no clue what to write. I printed out the spectra, and now I'm stuck.


  • The acatete and acid will have distince absorptions pertinent to the C=O bond in slightly different places in the 1700s range so you can differentiate between an acid and an ester (slightly more to the right) absorption, while alcohol will be missing that absorption band, but will have the O-H band instead and the other ones won't have it.

  • Isopentyl Acetate Ir

  • RE:

    IR Spectra?

    List the distinctive featurs of the IR spectra of isopentyl acetate, isopentyl alcohol, and acetic acid. Assign absorbtion bands.

    I have no clue what to write. I printed out the spectra, and now I'm stuck.

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