Is Chloe ok as a middle name?
Chloe is one of my all time favourite names, but it's too popular, and will always be too popular, for me to use as a first name.
My brain keeps telling me that middle names are the more formal, longer name. First names are fun, for every day use. For this reason, I'm really uncertain on having Chloe as a middle name. It's just so... first namey, to me.
So... is it ok? Is it just me over thinking this?
I have actually only ever known 2 people called Chloe.
It's fine as a middle name (it's one of mine!). Middle names don't have to be long and formal
It's not slotting in, clearly - better to get a little dog and name it Chloe some day, and give your daughter a good solid name instead. Chloe is pretty, but really girly and weak.
Always think about her as a defense lawyer, and give her a name that will stand at that table.
Someday she will be a grown woman, and Chloe isn't going to help her.
I love the name Chloe no matter where it goes! Haha here are some names:
Victoria Chloe
Rebecca Chloe
Over thinking! If it sounds good with the first name, there's no reason not to use it. Besides, i thought you were the one against certain names having to be either a first or a middle?
Yes, I love the name Chloe.
Ignore the people who say it is Overused, trashy, boring, common, ect. It is a lovely name.
I think that is an adorable name no matter is its the first or middle name! If you love the name who cares if its popular! Use it or I will regret it
Yes, of course!