Artemis Fowl - book series?

Would it be possible for a human and an elf to breed? If it did happen, what do you think the reaction would be to this new creature?


  • Are you serious? If it was possible, and I'm not saying it is, the child would be shunned by both societies. The family would be forced to live on the fringe and, unless by some miracle, one strand of DNA was able to be more prominent, the child would never be accepted, and possibly hunted because no one would understand it.

    And if you're eluding to the possibility of Holly and Artemis getting together, let me remind you that Artemis has only just turned fifteen in the Atlantis Complex (which, unless my memory is faulty, he was in the Time Paradox, but my memory may be off).

  • UGH! It's been so long since I've read this series I've nearly forgotten everything about it. I've been looking everywhere but not a single bookstore seems to have as much as heard of it.

    I'm sorry, I can't really help you with your question...

  • since there are other half/half characters it would very likely for mudman/elf

  • ummmm... good question i think this: yes it is

    i THINK there might be some one study like how fast it grow up, what it eat things like that

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