Red Nose Day?

Is on the 16th of march. Anyway.. What i was wondering is if anyone will sponser me? Im going on a hunger strike and this site is totally secure its linked to through BBC

EVERY penny helps so please give as much as you can,

Kirsty xxx


Thank youuuuu =)

Update 3:

Yea, it helps people in britan too, i'll try find the link for that bit One minute. Got it!

Update 5:

My best mate has now decided to join in with me + another of my mates will be doing a sponsered silence :D (i did that for children in need two years ago lol) And half my form are coming in with green hair whilst the other half are in pyjamas ^.^


  • I'm sorry, but I can't sponsor you. But I will say that it's something everyone should think about. Many people believe that the US government should focus more on the US and not the rest of the world. In this situation I agree. Our government has to take care of us, it's people. We should take care of others in our world. The video on the site was very touching and sad. You should keep in mind that there are not people starving only in Africa, though. There are people in millions of places. We should all try to help. Many people are thinking (i read in the replys) that 1 day is nothing. And though it is nothing compare to what those starving children have to experience, it's still a noble action and it still shows a point. I think it still matters no matter how long it is. And though you starving yourself will help the kids in Africa, it will help you as well. It will help you understand this situation more than you already do.

    good luck!

  • Good on you! I'll try and remember to sponsor you tomorrow.

    Jason P - Comic Relief does help people in Britain as well as people in 3rd World countries! It sponsors loads of charities and gives lots of money to worthy causes in our country, but because of the historical emphasis it placed in the early days on helping Aids orphans in Africa and the like, it's a common misconception that it's not a charity that 'begins at home'.

  • Kirsty kirsty kirsty! come on girl we dont want you to die or get ill so no I will not sponsor you on this occasion think of something else and i might.

  • I wont give to red nose day as I prefer to give money to help our countrys people, even though the gov should do it.

  • Not on your red nose thank you very much,charity begins at home not overseas in my book.They don't think anymore of us for sending money overseas

  • How long will your hunger strike be ?

    I'd rather give to the animals anyway.

  • umm.. no'

    because 1 day sounds like a scame to me and no one will actually care to see you die in a day( i doubt that ).

    try 3 day

  • No thanks!!! Just a day!! You are going without food for a day!! Sounds too easy to me!! These poor kids starve everyday!! Try starving yourself for at least 3 days!! That'll be a challenge and would really demonstrate how hard it is to go without food!!

  • ill donate some ill go on the link :-) good luck hope you do it

  • Not today, but I will later on.

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