Why do conservatives disrespect the OWS veterans?

There are literally thousands of veterans who are part of the OWS movement, yet cons routinely insult the OWS protesters as degenerate drug users. At the very least cons should distinguish between civilian and veteran members of OWS - but they don't. They just make sweeping generalizations about the entire movement.

Why do cons insult our veterans like this?


  • Because OWS doesn't fit their agenda. Conservatives only care about the troops when it's politically convenient, like when they're invading a country for its oil.

  • because those veterans insult themselves. any message the OWS movement may have had as been drowned out long ago and has instead become a "whiners convention" and so by assosiating yourself with the OWS you are saying that you are angry that people have more stuff than you and instead of working your butt off to get into the position where you have more stuff you would rather cry for a handout like a baby bird cries to it's mother for food.

  • Why do cons insult our veterans like this?

    -most don't but I'll gladly say if it walks like a duck........

    "our veterans" are merely opportunists who VOLUNTEERED to fight for the freedom of other countries under the guise of patriotism.

    That is why recent veterans can never get any of my respect.

    MY freedom doesn't start in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or some African cesspool.

  • A peaceful protest does not disrupt those around it. It does not stop business. It does not block bridges and traffic. It does not spread disease. It does not have rapes, murders, suicides, and rampant drug use.

    So YOU say that there are thousands of veterans involved. I'd like to see some proof of that. All I see are stinky, hippy, trust-fund kids trying to pretend that they are relevant in this world.


  • So, what you're saying is that having served in the US military gives you the right to do absolutely anything you want afterwards?

    Sorry, but the mindless greed, violence, rape ( including of children ), theft, assaults, arson are not acceptable... even if you have served in the US military.

  • Because as Lenin said they are nothing more than a bunch of useful idiots

  • We disrespect ALL of the OWSers who commit CRIMES.

    Vets don't get special privileges to commit crimes.

  • Really? If there are thousands, how come I've only seen one?

  • you commit a crime,,you pay..vet..usaf

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