How does yahoo email work?
i have a while using my yahoo account. Now i might have somebody giving me pictures from mexico to my email address and i don't know how yahoo email work.i would like to add that person but how? and how do i send them stuff? i would like to know if its similar to myspace? i just want true detail how my yahoo email works
Go to your mail screen, you can click the little envelope here at the top of questions and answer to get to it, you may need to use your password to access it. Then look above the inbox and click Contacts. On the contact page click Add a Contact. Fill in the information, their name and email address, cell phn number if you choose. Click Save Changes when finished. Then go to your inbox and click New, that will bring you to a screen where you can compose your message. At the top in the ' To" type in their email address, then put something in the Subject, a preview of the message. Then go to the larger box below and type your message, click Send, upper left when you are finished. That's it.