IUD affects my premenstrual symptoms?

I've had the Mirena IUD for over a year now and every month I start getting symptoms that mock pregnancy about a week before I start my period (nausea is the biggest thing). It freaked me out at first but I've gotten used to it (as much as possible). It's still really annoying. If I were by some chance to get pregnant I would have no idea.

Any one else have this problem with the IUD?


  • Hi there

    I had the Mirena for 3 1/2 years. It was great for a while, but the following issues arose:

    Weight gain (put on 15 kgs - never have put on weight before and I'm vegetarian)



    Sore breasts 24/7

    Cysts on ovaries

    Loss of sex drive

    These are common issues on Mirena that the doctors dont tell you about.

    I had Mirena taken out 2 months ago and although I have had the dreaded Mirena Crash (google it), .

    Mirena has fake steriod progesterone, so your body is tricked into no longer producing it - since this is the "happy hormone" it causes all sorts of distress to the body. My advise would be to get it taken out ASAP - because the longer you have it in, the longer it takes to get over once removed.

  • i have this problem too! n im the same way. its always right before my period. i actually just had blood work dun to see if i was cause these suymptoms were long n really noticable. even my hubby thought i was. but i ended up getting my period... if u find out y this happens let me know! its really annoying! ive had.mine in for bout 2 in a half yrs so it doesnt go away :(

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