Do teachers pay federal tax?
My wife got her W2 from the school she works for here in New Hampshire and they took out the med and SS taxes, but under federal it says $0. All of her pay stubs say $0 too, not sure how we missed that. Anyways, did they screw this up, or do teachers who make practically nothing get a break on the federal tax? She claimed "Married, 1" on her tax forms when she got the job. When I entered her W2 on our turbo tax, it went negative and we are going to owe money, so I'm assuming this is messed up. Thanks!
Yes, her salary from being a teacher is subject to federal income tax just like any other income would be.
The reason $0 was held for federal withholding has nothing to do with any exemption for teachers, its because her income was low enough that it didn't require withholding based on what she claimed on her W-4.
It sounds like you've made a common error that many couples make. If you both work then she needs to change her W-4 so it says "Married, but withhold at the higher single rate." That should get them to start withholding federal taxes so you don't have the same problem for 2011. As for 2010: its too late now, file your taxes and pay what you owe.
Teachers pay federal tax, yes. Did she work the whole year? If she didn't, she may not have earned enough money to have incurred any tax obligation. If she did, then have her file a new W-4, and check the box that says "Married but withhold at higher single rate" to make sure this doesn't happen again next year.
at the instant SS is 4.2%, Medicare a million.40 5% your income tax is in all probability around $600 for federal, you do not point out which state and that state might also have a state worker tax of a million%, extra or much less some college districts do not take part in the two the SS device or the state device, they might have a software of their own it is comparable
What all taxes does a teacher in Illinois pay?