my dad is a freak?

I'm 16 and i just came home with my sister after going for a run, earlier this morning i had asked him if i could take some money out of my savings account to take on holiday and he said no i then asked my mum and she said yes, my mum has gone out but i said to my dad..mum said i can take some out. he started getting angry saying its up to him what i do and then he was like whatever i dont give a **** about your money, i started crying and went upstairs and he came up after me shouting that i need a physchiatrist because i went with what my mum said, he slammed my door into my mirror n started screaming in my face and threw all my stuff off the side..i hate him so much i said i cant wait to leave..does he sound out of order??? shouldn't it be my mums choice too whether i get money out?!


yeh thanks but i already have a weekend job and mum has said i can get some from my savings anyway!!

Update 3:

yeh thanks but i already have a weekend job and mum has said i can get some from my savings anyway!!


  • What's the money for. Do you have a plan to use the money later down the line for something, I mean it is in a savings account. Who is the primary signer on the account? That is who you should ask for the money. Don't call your father a freak, he's just probably trying to help you.

  • If your father had already said no to your request then why did you then ask your mother. Surely you should have known that this was an underhand tactic. Like so many youngsters today it sounds like you just want your own way no matter what. Once your father had said no this should have been an end to the matter. I do not think your dad is crazy he was just angry with you for going behind his back after he had told you his decision. It was a sneaky thing to do and obviously likely to cause a row between your mum and dad. Maybee if you had a bit more appreciation of what your father has done for you you wouldn't be so quick to cry just because you didn't get your own way. Did it occur to you that your father might just know a little bit more about things than you do and that he might have said no for a good reason.

    No doubt all of the above will sound a little harsh to you but it is probably the sort of thing your dad would say or at least agree with.

    If the money is in your name, in your account and has been put there by you from pocket money, gifts or a job then f#ck what your dad says. Unfortunately he sounds like a bit of a tyrant and a mentalist and if I were you I'd be trying to get away from the nutter. It's a difficult stage in life that you are at and there are no easy solutions. All I can say is that one day the balance of power will change and you will realise that any hold your dad has over you is illusiory. This moment may be a while off yet, or it may not, bur one day you won't have to ask your dad what you can do with your own money. You will simply tell him what you are going to do and he will have to accept it. Untill you feel physicaly and financialy strong enough to do this your just going to have to keep your head down. Don't worry though, it won't be long.

    Good luck.

  • your dad got so mad because you went behind his back to ask your mum when he had already said no. this showed him the lack of respect you have for his rules and decisions.

    Your dad reacted very badly and showed a side of himself that isn't very nice. Who knows what other problems he is having at the moment that caused him to fly off the handle?

    Talk to him and tell him that you are sorry and let him know that he really frightened you. If he won't calm down then leave him alone and talk to your mum about what happened, she should be able to calm him down.

    I think it's best if you don't touch your savings for your holiday. Instead get a week end job and earn some holiday money and prove to your dad that you are mature and responsible.

    yes go ahead and take the savings, don't come crying to us when it causes a big row between your parents though.

  • I think it would cute. I think your Dad is kind of upset that you are changing and you are not a little kid anymore. Try to explain to him that you need some room to grow. If he is not ready for that kind of change ask your mom to try to talk him into it. Dying the bottom of your hair PINK is NOT the worst thing. It is not punk or anything lie that. Alot of kids in MY grade do that!!! I am only going into 7th grade. Its normal. Plus it isn't even permant. Don't worry so much about it your Dad will get over it eventually. Kids dye or hilight their hair ALL the time. Its ok! Just give your Dad a little time to get use to you turning into a women and trying new things. Just don't do anything bad like smoking!!!!!! Thats BAD dying your hair pink isn't. Plus it was only the tips. Thats fine!!!!

  • It made you look like you were belittling his opinion, when you went behind his back to ask your mother, after having gotten his answer. Next time just ask your mother first.

    That happens a lot. Never go to another parent and ask them about something, the other has already given you a decison on. Go to the easy parent first.

    This happens all of the time. It is normal family life, so don't be so hard on your dad!!!

  • you were prob unintentionally being manipulative. I do this to. When my mom says I can't go to a party but my dad says yes I usually listen to my dad. I try to refrain from doing that but as a young teenage girl, it's kinda hard. It causes problems and tension throught the household. Next time get your parents together and ask them at the same time. This works better than running from one to the other.

  • First rule is dont play one off against the other - if you asked your mum, then you should have waited until she came home.

    However, I do think that your dad over reacted - did he hit you?

    You need to speak to your mum about this incident and see what she has to say about it :)

  • Dude, i feel sorry about what happened. really. all you have to do is to take the money and go! go on holiday and have fun as much as you can, meet people there, and enjoy your time. it's a chance to release all your anger, and your madness. i am sure you'll be fine there.

    Peace, and gd luck!

    By the way, sometimes i do hate my parents and start to think about going away, but then i realize that they are the ones who raised me up. Your dad is just angry, give him some space, you'll be fine i am sure about that.

    raBBit! at the disco

  • you are playing your parents off against each other which is not on.i used to do this my dad was really soft and my mum was hard on me.i remember when i was 15 asking my mum if i could smoke and she said no so behind her back i went to my dad and asked him he said yes, he didn't know that mum had said no because i kept it from him.when mum found out she went ballistic and her and dad argued all week about it and i felt really bad.

  • This sometimes happens with my stepfather-he like gives my brother money from his account, and then when I ask for some he won't. He may be in a bad mood...possibly...You should talk to your mum, cos she also has a say in who gets what,right? I mean she gave birth to you!! I hope everything goes ok...just be careful, men can get really angry!!!

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