Paracetamol overdose?10 points?
don't give me loads of grief about what I have done. because its done.
don't judge me, as you do not know what has happened to cause me to do such a dangerous thing.
previously I have attempted suicide 5 times.
about 9 hours ago I took an overdose of paracetamol, (27 paracetamol tablets 500mg each)
all I would like to know is this enough to do the job?
don't say "15 could kill you" etc etc because I have overdosed on paracetamol before, I took 24 and nothing happened other than be being put on a drip. I was fine after that.
useful answers. please just answer the question. is 27 enough? thanks.
Update:scrape off my question if all you're going to do is insult me.. pathetic.
Well I would tell you to seek help but I fear you wont listen.
27 is more than enough. It doesn't happen immediately, it's a long and painful process. I assume with that much that you've thrown up? That'd be your body trying to get rid of the nasties and if your body is lucky then it'll succeed. Then you'll probably sleep and feel better until your organs start to fail and the pain begins. Expect a couple of days of agonizing pain. Not worth it if you ask me, and I've been there and done that (obviously lived to tell the tale, and the hospital stay is no fun either). Honestly the worst part about taking an overdose is failing and feeling ashamed afterwards. Why not just seek help? Nothing in life is bad enough to take your own life, I learnt this the hard way...and in the process I broke my loved one's hearts. I've also caused irreversible damage my liver, which, when I fell pregnant, put the life of my unborn child at risk and made my pregnancy hell. Not worth it.
It's different for every person. What overdose could kill one person may not even harm another. I know someone who took 192 paracetamol tablets and all he did was damage his liver. You should go straight to the emergency room and tell them you overdosed otherwise you will end up with liver damage and trust me that's no way to live.
Stop overdosing because it ISN'T going to kill you. I've overdosed myself on my bipolar medication and i was told in hospital overdoses almost never ever kill you. The only thing you can overdose on which can kill you is Lithium and its unlikely you will get a prescription for that. Unless you take literally hundreds, and most people can't make it over 40 pills, its not going to kill you and its not going to kill you quickly because overdoses take weeks and months for your kidneys and liver to fail.
Get some help and go to A+E instead of trying to kill yourself, as no good person here is going to tell you how to do that. Don't think i don't understand because i do, i have tried to kill myself many times by overdoses, trying to hang myself, trying to cut my veins open, and all i did was hurt my family and friends, it literally destroyed my mum and nan as they walked in on a few attempts.
Ring your GP and make an appointment to see him about depression, nothings worth killing yourself over, and there is always help. Stay strong
I'm pretty sure that's will certainly cause liver and kidney damage that if left untreated may cause death. I'm sorry you've done this, but I understand that you must be in so much pain I tried so many times until they locked me up. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to chat to someone...
I've done the same thing, sorry I don't know how to answer the question, I just want to let you know you're not alone. Try stay alive please! Ignore the insults.
If it doesn't kill you, you will damage you kidneys ans liver and end up on dialysis
You should seek medical help now
Try something else that won't work stupid biitch