Do you believe in extra Terrestrial beings or 3rd demensional beings?

Do you think they could possibly be the reason why religion was created?


  • Well, we are all 3rd dimensional beings, so maybe you were asking about 4th dimensional beings. I believe in the probability of intelligent life forms on other planets in our Universe, and I believe in the possibility that extra-terrestrial beings have visited our planet in the past, and perhaps not only were the source of the inspiration for some religions (e.g., angels, gods) but also tinkered with early primate DNA to produce human beings and even to alter the natural path of history. As for 4th dimensional beings, i.e. those who could time-travel, I am more skeptical about that. But I do believe in the possibility that there are beings with science developed well past our own, who have figured out how to conquer the vast distances of space in terms of the time required to travel those distances.

  • I used to believe in "nuts and bolts" (physical) alien presence, but now I'm more into the "ultra-terrestrial" theory.

    It was the book Supernatural by Graham Hancock that changed my mind.

    Also, UFO flaps tend to include bigfoot sightings and ghostly phenomena in the same general area at around the same period of time. Why would that happen if it was a purely physical source?

    Then again, just because they could use dimensional technology doesn't automatically mean they are from another dimension or alternate universe.

    Supernatural by Graham Hancock is all about how these beings have influenced human society since the stone age.

  • Not sure about the rest but. I do remember watching a show that said something like..There was a live Alien captured and held at an air force base,This ET spoke of using some sort of hologram technology to create religion,Very interesting

  • Yes. I do. Even though there aren't any in our Solar System other than anything on Earth, there can be life on other planets outside of the Solar System. I don't know about religion though.

  • I believe in things we have absolutely no knowledge of, but I don't think Religion has any thing to do with any of it.

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