birth control problem?

i have been on birth control for almost 4 years

there are a few girls at my work that have been on the same pills for 3-6 years and they have stopped taken them and then had their periods for 3 weeks out of 4 and or not had a period and had to be put on meds to make it come and/or ovulate again

im very scared this is gonna happen to me since when i started birth control i was 85lbs and 16 years old ( i was put on it so i would keep my period since it would come and go)

do many woman have this problem w/ it comes to getting off birth control?

i don't want to stop taken it for about another year and 5 months ( im 20 now so it wouldnt be horrible if i stopped but i don't want a child just yet)


  • It depends on your body, each woman is different so you can't go off what other women experienced. The best thing to do is keep taking the birth control since you're not ready yet, and the next time you have your pap talk to your doctor about it tell him your concerns and see what he suggests, worse case senerio it might take you a few months to concieve when you're ready but trying for a baby is the fun part anyway and you're young so you have plenty of time to get your body back on track when you're ready. Good Luck!

  • This is one of the big problems with hormonal birth control, especially when it's given to girls who aren't even full grown yet. The dr. who put you on should be sued for malpractice, but unfortunately, MOST doctors don't see a problem with screwing up a young girl's hormones because the medical profession has been really anti-female ever since hormonal birth control came around.

    Get off the pill. Don't use them any more. Give your body a couple of years to fix itself and do things on its own. Hopefully, you haven't been screwed up for life.

    Meanwhile, LEARN HOW YOUR BODY WORKS. Learn "fertility awareness." Take a class if you have to or get a book like "Taking Charge of Your Fertility."

    If you don't want a child now and you are not married, then don't have sex. If you are married, then learning how your body works will enable you to pinpoint when your body ovulates (if it can, now that it's been screwed up with artificial hormones), and you and your husband can just avoid sex when you are most fertile.

  • Yes a lot of women have readjustment problems coming off birth control. Think of it this way. A powerful drug has been tricking your body into thinking it was pregnant for 4 years. Don't you think the body will have some trouble and time readjusting?

    This is why not all people approve of the pill and are annoyed that it's side effects are downplayed in the media.

  • Your hormones would have replaced and your start administration would now no longer have a sturdy result on your moods and sessions. i understand I had that problem as quickly as. i become on one start administration for 3 years and each thing become great...then hastily, i became into the biggest B*tch and have been given 3 week sessions and in basic terms one week off in between them. pass on your medical expert and talk switching start controls. that's recommended to contemplate a sort which you do no longer would desire to undergo in suggestions on a daily basis, such because of fact the nuvaring or patch or shot. no longer taking your pills around the comparable time on a daily basis may additionally result the way they result you. good success!

  • I came off the pill with no problems, Got pregnant right away so be careful when you do.

  • yeah it can take a while for you to become regular ( it took me almost a year! )

  • that suuuuuucccckkkksssssssssss

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