Why does a horse "yawn"?

I know that horses don't breathe through their mouths, but you will see horses doing what appears to be a yawn. What is this? What would cause excessive yawning?


  • Thought I'd put in one answer before my Lunesta takes hold...

    They yawn when

    1. bored

    2. anxious

    3. nervous

    4. irritated

    5. impatient

    6. frustrated

    7. need their teeth looked at

    Some of those words coincide with the other words but each word is used for a different situation.

    I think I covered them all.

    My gelding yawns terribly if I am not giving his hay fast enough or if the vet shows up.

  • let me ask you this, why do you yawn? you will get the same answer for a horse!

  • they yawn,when they are bored or tired,if they are bored they will do it alot...

  • Same reasons you do.

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