ummmmm.weird commercial?~?~?~?~?~?

does anyone understand the new tampax pearl commercial??? where the girls are in africa and they say " many girls miss school when they are on their period b/c they don't have protection" but they are both pregnant?!?!?


  • yea i get this one:D

    first, they are advertising that because when you buy tampax pearl i think they donate tampons to girls in need in africa. also they are not pregnant, its just that girls and almost everybody else in africa has this one disease (i cant remember what its called) where their bellys bloat up permanantly

  • I haven't ever seen it but I'm guessing you thought they were pregnant cause they had stomachs that popped out a bit?

    You said the commercial was in Africa, Africa has a lot of malnutrition. When people are starving they have only gas filling their stomach and that makes it pop out, which was probably why you thought they were pregnant. And by protection they probably meant like tampons, not like condoms and such.

  • In a lot of countries girls have to sit on the ground over a hole in the ground when they're on their period because they have no pads, tampons or menstrual cups. People may look pregnant on the commercial but actually malnutrition contributes to the stomach getting bigger because the abdomen muscles are weaker and the stomach sticks out.

  • I crack up no rely how from time to time I see the Geico caveman one the place he's on a "Crossfire" debate on CNN. They ask the psychologist with regard to the intelligence of Neanderthals. She is going into this long winded incoherent clarification, littered great words that no person would celebrate with. Then the moderator turns to the caveman and asks if he has a reaction to her comments. He says in a truly offended tone - like he approximately to slam her.. "Yeah I easily have a reaction.... Uh, ............ WHAT ?" i've got seen it dozens of cases and that i even nevertheless lose it each and every time.

  • i didn't notice that they were pregnant when i saw the commerical. i dont think they were pregnant, the point of the commercial is to give protection for periods for needy girls in 3rd world countries, not protection for sex, so i doubt they were pregnant.

  • I think they mean "protection" like feminine supplies that keep them from bleeding everywhere, not protection from pregnancy. (Seriously, why would pregnancy protection affect them going to school?) It's probably supposed to make people here grateful that we have such things, but I agree, it does sound like a weird commercial...

  • The girls aren't pregnant they probably have kwashiorkor which from malnutrition. See: for more information.

  • i haven't seen that commercial but it sounds like it is weird

  • the girls arent pregnant....

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