Sequenced/Consecutive Photos?

So my digital imaging prof said we have to take pictures of sequenced or conecutive photos. "Not like you wake up, get dressed, go to work, go home." Was the example he gave us. I was wondering if anyone could explain this a lil betteR?


  • My guess would be he meant something like photos of a bicycle or skateboard stunt artist doing tricks. You would set the camera to shoot in continuous mode and get shots of the stunt in sequence. Your first shot could be of him standing on the board, the next shot of him bending down, the next shot of him in the air, the next shot of him touching the board, the next shot of him coming down.... that kind of thing.

    Of course how well this works depend partly on how fast your camera can capture photos in the continuous burst mode.


  • Instead of asking other people to guess what someone else was thinking, why don't you simply ask your prof for a better explanation of what he meant ?

    Whenever you're given instructions you don't fully understand it's better to ask directly for more information rather than try to guess it out and probably get it wrong.

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