Baby name vote/combos?
If you could please go to the following link and vote on my list of baby names I would really appreciate it. Also, if you would like to combine the names as first/middle and post them here that would be lovely. Thank you.
<a href=""><... src="" border="0" alt="VOTE on my Name List"></a>
Update:Sorry here's the right link.
I liked Charlotte Rosemarie, Toby James, James Riley and Nicolai James from your list. They're lovely, and flow really well. The others just weren't my style, especially the girls where a lot of them (Spencer, Cobie, Peyton and Ashley) sounded very masculine sounding to me.
Voted! I like Charlotte Rosemarie and Emmett Riley.
Love the names! Congrats!
Sorry, your link didn't work. I'll gladly vote and suggest combos if you fix it though.
**okay, I voted/commented on your new question![:) :)](