
I feel like I'm alone in this world... I can't trust anyone. I don't have any true friends. My parents don't trust me or believe in me. Everyone wants me to hurt. And hurt I do, oh! It drowns me. I cry myself to sleep. I find comfort in nothing and no one but my dog. And even then, the tears continue. I try new things, new foods, anything to ease the pain of life and all I get is sorrow.

My BF is BSing, not paying attention to me, not being there for me. And yet I still love him. That hurts me the most. And above all, I still want to hurt more. I want to disappear. I want the pain to end but at the same time I don't want to disappoint my family and it's just TEARING ME APART AND I NEED HELP.

Every waking moment of the day I suffer with my Synesthesia as well, sounds and smells and colors reminding me of painful memories of death and anger. It's killing me. I feel depressed and lonely and I need someone, anyone, but I don't know who to turn to. I need advice. A direction to go. My life is not my own, and I need to change that. I'm a shy young woman with issues and if no one helps me, I don't know what will happen. Help me. Please. There are scratches across my arms and I have one idea where they came from. Please, help me.

My smile hides my tears.

My laugh hides my screams.

It's been this way for years.

Things aren't as they seem.



  • This isn't something you can fix without outside help. It's too big to do it on your own.

    Go see a mental health professional for a complete diagnosis and a solid treatment plan.

  • Its a symptom of depression. It means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin. Depression is common but easy to treat. So tell a dr. how you feel and ask for an antidepressant.-------

    The one that worked best for me was Sertraline. It takes 2-3 wks for your body to adjust to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will become a relaxed, confident, healthy person.------------------------

    Find some big happy churches, attend age-appropriate groups there and have fun. Talk with the pastor/minister. A good one can show you how to have perfect peace. And where else can you get counseling for FREE? Remember, God loves you more than you can possibly imagine.

  • focus on yourself you deserve it

  • How can you find out if you suffer from depression? Some symptoms include a pronounced change in mood and behavior, social isolation, diminished interest in almost all activities, a significant change in eating habits and sleeping patterns, and intense feelings of worthlessness or unwarranted guilt.

    Of course, nearly everyone has one or more of those symptoms at some time or another. But if symptoms persist for more than a couple of weeks, why not talk to your parents about getting a checkup? A physician can help determine if your sadness has a medical cause.

    If you do suffer from clinical depression, it is nothing to be ashamed of. With treatment, many sufferers have begun to feel better—perhaps the best they have felt in a long time.

  • You need to find a good therapist/psychologist. I think you are a dramatic person and you need some guidance.

  • When I went through a great depression, I finally gave up and turned to Christ and I found peace. “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name” John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  • hold on to love.

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