Do you think ghosts/demons exist?

Have you had any experiences of them?


  • spirits.......yes

    demons/fallen...... yes

    Every single day.......with both.

  • I'm pretty sure ghosts exist since I've lived in 2 haunted houses and I can't really b 100% about demons but I think they do

  • Ghosts yes.

    Demons no.

    I saw a ghost for about a year after a loved one died.

  • demons DO exist and have since forever. Personally I have, not experiences I liked.

  • I believe both exist. Thankfully, I've never had any experience with anything demonic but I've seen/felt things that I believe to be ghostly.

  • Your question contradicts one yet another. God exists because of the fact we predict of he does. faith would not require evidence, if it did, it might boost into actuality, and all people may well be in one faith, or one 'tribe', because of the fact faith is predicated off of religion. For one, no count how scientific we get, God will nonetheless exist in us. whether we a technique or the different instruct God would not exist. in my opinion i'm no longer an Atheist, yet Gods have been used as determine heads returned then, whilst issues surpassed off that persons ought to no longer clarify. confident, a super variety of issues are actually shown by ability of scientist, yet interior the top, you ought to ask, how those are all shown. For all all of us comprehend, what all of us comprehend as scientific wager, may well be thoroughly incorrect, because of the fact of our fake techniques and futile tries to hold close all awareness. what's existence? How precisely did evolution take place? Why did it take place? What brought about it to take place? what's time? Why is there time? in case you verify out it, without prejudices, or fake ideals, you start to ask your self approximately each and every little thing. Can existence in simple terms be a dream? is this all a eternal dream? each and every new answer in simple terms brings on new questions. If all of us spent our time answer questions, they might nonetheless in no way end. interior the top, God in simple terms exists in us. perhaps he's no longer a 'supernatural' being. perhaps he's in simple terms a feeling of right and incorrect interior us. yet despite evidence we are able to deliver to assert God would not exist, it relatively is in simple terms restated to assert God does exist.

  • I'm not sure. But I believe in spirits.

    Personally, I haven't had any experiences with them.

    But my mum has, twice.

  • demons yea ghost no such thing and yes i have

  • Yes, I do. I don't know why I do, I just do.

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