Do you seem to attract drama?

I don't. Drama rarely decides to screw around with me... I'm not a big fan of drama and try to stay away from things that cause it. Or maybe I just lead a boring lifestyle? Well, I dunno...


  • I am a non confrontational person, so I too try to avoid drama. Not saying I won't listen if a friend has a problem, but I don't like getting in the middle of any situation unless it is life threatening.

  • It's all around me, but that's because of where I work. I have a hard time not interjecting on someone's drama. I know I should mind my own business, but if you come in my office and start bitching, expect me to say something.

  • Only the internal drama in my head

  • I have a 13 year old step daughter. My life is full of drama!

  • Oh, yeah!! Ever since I was like 1 year old, drama came to my house, and drama has haunted me since!! Haven't you heard of everything that's happened to me? It's terrible

  • No, I entice flat out random. the day previous I surpassed an average looking woman interior the cheese aisle dressed up like Marry Poppins! yet Julie Andrews, she grow to be no longer. i like putting out with people who entice drama however, it extremely is greater value-effective than cable.

  • Goes in streaks. I would rather stay away but sometimes it seeks me out. Drama Queens are such a drag.

  • i think i'm middle of the road. sometimes drama finds me cause im feeling a bit frisky one day. but nothing too bad.

    i wouldn't call your lifestyle boring. i'd call that calm. and that is a GOOD thing.

  • Not really. I seem to attract people who attract drama though. They try to suck me in but I stay out of it.

  • No I don't. I confuses me and stresses me out and I don't need anymore confusion in my life. I'm confused and stressed enough without the drama

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