Why do conservatives and liberals deny scientific concensus?

This constant politicization of global warming and global warming denialism by the right, and the fact that 60% of republicans claim not to believe in evolution is absurd to me. It's just as absurd as ahmadenijad saying that the holocaust never happened. JUST as absurd.

On the left you have people who are in denial about the nature of Islam and in denial of racial differences, and who use "political correctness" to defend claims which scientific concensus has demolished through experimental >Update:

What incredible brainwashing. No concensus on GW? In whose world is that?

Science changes therefore evolution is false? This is like saying that the holocaust will be proved not to have happened eventually once we gather more evidence.

Wow, what ARE you people learning on talk radio. Get a clue for Pete's sake. You embarrass me and this country.


  • Your never going to get the right to admit they understand evolution. It challenges their faith. If they question their faith they believe they will burn in eternal fire. "Hmm, should I look into all this data, and possibly burn in hell, or just refuse it and spend eternity in the clouds with my loved ones? Hmmm, tough call..."

    It's only a matter of time before they start taking global warming seriously. Right now America's leader is an oilman. Going against the President, no matter who it is, makes them "unamerican". As soon as a new president is elected and addresses global warming they'll jump on board. Global warming doesn't challenge faith. It's only a matter of time before they realize that.

  • 'Denialism'? That's not even a word. Anyway, who do you think you are to presume to know what scientific consensus is without any particularly given statistics? It's actually quite split. There is currently no conclusive evidence to say that our global temperature is rising in a way that is either problematic or irregular. We've only had intelligent data about the temperature of the earth using satellites since the 1970s and all we have to tell before then are ice cores and tree ring widths, and in fact those all seem to suggest that we are in a perfectly regular sort of cycle. There are also other possible factors not often considered. If the temperature is rising in a way that is problematic, what if it was due to the sun getting hotter? Fusion does eventually churn out heavier elements.

    Now this is all theoretical, is it possible that man made global warming is happening? Sure. However, there simply isn't enough conclusive evidence to say that it is or isn't. The data does not exist, nor does this universal scientific consensus that you seem to believe exists.

  • Sorry I'm simply not buying the idea that animals evolve into completely new and different species. Science has never some up with any kind of proof that this process occurs at all in nature........

    As for global warming. There is no question that the earth is warming, the data shows that. what the data doesn't show is that man is causing this warming. The fact that the Earth has warmed and cooled innumerable times throughout it's existence doesn't lend credence to the idea that evil man is responsible.......

  • Consensus is hard to get, when you have scientists who are funded by special interest groups.

    For example... A "scientific" study on climate change funded by greenpeace is likely to have a much different outcome than one funded by Ford Motor company.

    Both groups will claim to be independant researchers, but the money behind them almost never is. This is why we have two very polarized opinions on climate changes. One says it doesn't exist or isn't man made, and the other says it does and is. So who do you believe ?...people tend to believe the opinion that best supports their lifestyle....and are willing to be in denial even to themselves as long as their world view stays intact.

    Evolution is a scientific fact....."in my opinion"... get it ?

  • I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

    See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.

    I'm crying.

    Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.

    Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday.

    Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

    Mister city policeman sitting

    Pretty little policemen in a row.

    See how they fly like lucy in the sky, see how they run.

    I'm crying, i'm crying.

    I'm crying, i'm crying.

    Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.

    Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,

    Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.

    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

    Sitting in an english garden waiting for the sun.

    If the sun don't come, you get a tan

    From standing in the english rain.

    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.

    Expert textpert choking smokers,

    Don't you thing the joker laughs at you?

    See how they smile like pigs in a sty,

    See how they snied.

    I'm crying.

    Semolina pilchard, climbing up the eiffel tower.

    Elementary penguin singing hari krishna.

    Man, you should have seen them kicking edgar allan poe.

    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.

    Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo.

  • I have been studying science for over 40 years, most of what I learned in the first 10 years, has been changed, and now science says the opposite of what it did over 30 years ago. I expect it will change again in 30 years.

    Science is not belief.

  • Scientific Concensus is not scientific fact. Science cannot be a concensus. Science in concensus mode is called a theory. Theory's are like opinions. We are all entitled to our opinions.

  • I am me and I have an opinion just like you. I do not have to justify my opinion to anyone. I can think anything I want because it is MY opinion. So who in the hell do you think you are questioning whether or not people should have their own opinion and draw their own conclusions!

  • Which community do you believe the scientific community belongs...Conservative or liberal??? I believe the answer is LIBERAL. Politicizing is strictly conservative. Look up the words in the dictionay you'll get your answer...

  • science should not be constricted due to religious "moral" values.

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