15 dys before i have fall down from a bike

i went to doctor yesterday he told to take a mri scan

in that i got "complete acl tear"and pcl incontact

doctor is saying for surgery immediatly

when i went to another doctor he is saying that it is common in sports no need to worry about it

it can be curried by physiotherapy

if not then we can go for surgery

he is saying that surgery need some time to regain some strength in leg

what shall i do?

should i take surgery immediatly?

or can i take time i also need some time

so plz hlp me asap..

thnk u..


i am not a sports person i dnt ply sports

i only got to collage and coming to home

i am having exams till next month so can i wait for surgery

is surgery is important?

if it is late will have any side effects?

thank u..


  • That depends on a lot of factors. If you play sports are are heavily involved in physical activity then getting the ACL surgery as soon as possible is required otherwise you will only do further damage to your knee. If you aren't involved in strenuous physical activity then the the decision to have the surgery is entirely up to you and how you feel after physical therapy.

  • of direction you are able to play returned... you basically want time to rehab the tear... 8 to 300 and sixty 5 days is the healing technique... the approach will comprise strolling and kicking your ft while you're interior the swimming pool... yet I''l be advantageous that as quickly as you're returned on the court the terror will nevertheless be there so think of advantageous guy!.. bypass to a doctor and enable him do each and all the healing technique..

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