Do conservatives look to spread misery or is it natural?

A sad society is unproductive, unvisionary, and uninnovative. We need to give everyone hope and opportunity to make a difference. They lack the courage to change hearts and minds. all they care about is profit and themselves.


  • I recently heard the term "misery index". The only other time I heard of that was during the Carter administration.

  • It is natural. I live in a red state and the majority of people that I have contact with are either Republicans or Tea Party people. Not all but most of them hate Obama, not dislike but hate him. Some of them are negative, whiners and complain about almost everything in their lives, nothing is right in their world, they do spread misery and discontent.

  • Cleveland, Stockton, Detroit, and New Orleans, are statistically the most miserable cities in America. Are they run by Cons or Dems?

  • If this pap represents the sum of your college education, save my money and become a plumber. Thankfully, I'm not forced to subsidize plumbers through my taxes...yet.

  • They would have a long way to go to top the misery of the Obama economy.

  • Yes, I know liberals look down on people who earn a paycheck. In order to give people hope GOOD change needs to take place. Not liberal BS blaming sh!t on everybody else. Kind if like you blaming conservatives for unhappy people. I don't even need to play the more obvious cards.

  • I think misery is when I am forced to pay $50k in taxes each year, and a lot of that is supposed to go to schools. Then, my daugher gets no financial aid at all for college, which I paid for with taxes. And, some children of illegal aliens get to go to the same college for free due to being poor, and their parents DID NOT PAY ANY TAXES.

    That is misery.

  • This moronic rant brought to you by "Dumbasses for Democrats"; using this site to spread stupidity.

  • I think that's all politicians frankly, it is now their designated job in America I have believed for a long time. It is something, that is now the new American way.

  • I'm looking for one single part of your paragraph that's even remotely related to conservatives or liberals.

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