I hv a serious problem with my gf.........?

I m going to marry my gf... Now adays things are getting serious day by day between us. She hurts when she open my fb account seeing my comments on other post or she didnt want me to join any gp on fb.... Same is the case with me i also dont want her to be free in gps etc... Thing is that i want her to leave facebook after getting married so as i will do... I m convincing her that fb is for children and for fun... So we are going to marry now we should leave fb now and seek our life seriously and keep on mature. We hv to look out for our family rather being fighting on fb pathetic comments or chat... And if we both leave fb so the problem is solve then we will hv nothing to fight. The question is IS I M doing right.... Bcx fb are becoming headache in our life. I told her that if u want me u must hv to leave fb. She dont want to leave fb. And trying to change me .. But this time i became harsh on her saying fb is just headach between us and i dont this headache... And fb is not imp than me so she hv to leave fb if she want me... Tell me fb is just waste na.....


  • My husband and I are both on Facebook. We don't have any problems with it. So are all the other married couples I know that are the same age as us. So are both of my brothers and their wives. So are millions and millions of other couples.

    The problem is not Facebook. The problem is that both of you seem to have some issue with whatever the other is posting on Facebook. This is a trust issue. If Facebook wasn't there, it would be texts on her phone, or twitter or whatever else. You can both be on Facebook if you both grow up and turn into mature adults.

  • You two are so far from being ready to get married it isn't even funny. You would make a disastrous married couple. If you think eliminating Fb will solve your problems, you're stupid. You will most certainly find something else to fight about very soon. You're too immature and too distrustful. Both of you being on Facebook should be no problem at all. The fact that it is such a problem and you are demanding she quit and she's demanding she stay on it speaks volumes for your future together. It will never work. Sorry.

  • Leaving Facebook doesn't automatically make you mature. My husband and I are both on Facebook as it's the only means of communication with many friends. Facebook isn't the problem, the problem is that you each don't like what the other posts on Facebook.

    You say she's trying to change you. Are you not doing the same to her by trying to force her to do what you want?

    Short version, I'm not sure either of you are ready to get married if you're fighting over Facebook.

  • The problem here is not facebook. The problem is you don't trust each other. She doesn't have to quit facebook if she doesn't want to, especially if she is not doing anything wrong. You are both allowed to interact with other people you know. This does not sound like a healthy relationship at all. facebook is not your headache. Your insecurities are your headache. If you do not figure out a way to stop being so insecure, then your problems are not going to stop with facebook. you will find something else to be jealous about. What's next? You don't want her to have a job, see her friends, or have a phone?

  • FB is not immature but it seems you two are. It is a great way to communicate with friends and family on a regular basis, find out how their lives are and them yours without having to repeat yourself all the time.

    Relax and think about the silly things you are fighting over?!

    I have never fought with my Fiance in our whole 6yrs and don't understand why people can just talk about things without having a silly fit.

  • Facebook isn't the problem, your inability to be responsible with it, and your lack of trust in each other, is. My husband and I are both on Facebook, and we have no problems. It sounds like you and your girlfriend need to mature up a little bit before even considering marriage.

  • Every person has its own opinion. It may be seem right also & wrong too.

    If this topic is resulting in tension between you & your relationship than your opinion is right.

    Itz not important to use fb at least not in verge of a serious point that may generate quarrels.

  • I think it's a great idea for you both to get off of Facebook, but you can't make her do something unless she wants to. Maybe you could suggest that she just try it out with you for a couple weeks? That's a good compromise, and then maybe she will realize that she doesn't need it afterall.. Hope everything works out!

  • You really need to abandon bad habits, particularly the Internet, if you want to consolidate your relationship. Particularly if she is a jealous woman: she will then check her acquaintances' husbands and want to homewreck them. She needs to heal from her envy first. The best is to abandon the Internet and replace it with fun activities that you will share. You also need to abandon the Internet, particularly if you are using it to connect with or cyberstalk your exes.

  • You two are way too young for marriage.

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