does aliens exist? i do not really now?

i never nowdest it is real or not real


  • i exist. dunno about you.

  • We don't know one way or another. This means, first, that we don't have any evidence that there ARE aliens--nobody that scientists take to be reliable has ever seen one. It also means that the universe is very big, and some parts of it have been around much longer than our little planet. Given that there is life here, some scientists argue that it is incredibly unlikely that there isn't alien life elsewhere in the universe, too. Others, notably Peter Ward, say that our planet is really unique and there is unlikely to be alien life elsewhere. The main point is that nobody knows.

    Many people say that there is, or isn't, alien life without really knowing. Lots of people believe that aliens crashed at Area 51, for example, but there is no real evidence of this and people who think it happened tend to be crazy conspiracy theorists. Others report UFO sightings and believe they saw aliens when really what they saw were (man-made) satellites, bats, military airplanes, etc. On the other side of the spectrum, many religions teach that earth is a unique creation of God or gods, and so man is special and there isn't other alien life out there. Mormonism notably disagrees and says there IS alien life out there. But there is no physical evidence for any of this.

  • The universe is very big. Since there is life here I think there must be life somewhere else. Without a doubt.

    The main question for me is: will we ever meet any? as they are probably too far away.

    If you were asking are there aliens on Earth at the moment, I would have to say no for the same reason. Although all the 'sightings' make me unsure. But then, Elvis has been sighted too.

  • No one really knows for sure if aliens exist since there is no other proof that says otherwise. I'd rather belive there are aliens somewhere, than nothing at all.

  • Almost certainly there is life on other worlds. We will have a better idea of how ubiquitous that is once we reach Europa.

    Are space aliens visiting earth in flying saucers? Probably not.

  • Sure. Check out the nearest Home Depot. They're all out in front looking for work.

  • They are looking for bacteria on Mars right now, you'll get your answer soon.

  • We all don't know - we have not found them yet, but we have also not yet looked everywhere. It is likely they are somewhere... but where? We don't know.

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