Technical problem?

I need to pick someones brains here, what can I check or do, if i log into a site and it says " unauthorised, you are not authorised to view this page" and after having contacted the apprpriate people to conatct in the event of such a problem, one persons says it works fine this end and the other asks for more infomarion and doesnt respond after I submit the info and Ive tried 3 time to remind,

It must be settings on my machine, but where do I start looking, can anyone give me instructuions on what to do


  • From what you described the security settings for the pages of the web site are wrong and the web administrator needs to change them. That is if you are suppose to be able to see those pages.

  • I think this problem coz of cookies do one thing

    go to IE properties after Privacy and accept all cookies and save it.

    I am also getting same problem after i do the same then i am not getting this problem

  • Too much Security in your web browser or too much paranoia on the website you are trying to access

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