How much do glasses cost?

So I'm 16 and I think I might need glasses for the last year or so my vision has been acting weird, I need to have something close to be able to read it and whenever I try to focus on something for longer than like 5 minutes everything gets blurry, I told my parents about this and they said I'm not insured and that they don't have the money for an eye doctor so I'll just have to pay for it once I get a job.. Sooo basically my question is how much does going to get like an eye check up cost lol.. Also I'm not sure if having bad eyes or needing glasses can be hereditary or not but like everyone on my moms side of the family uses contacts or glasses including my brother and sister.


  • Sears Optical (not sure if they are still around) used to offer specials. The price is going to depend on your prescription and the frame you choose (designer ones cost more than no-name ones). For a good fit, it is better to go to an optical shop in your area, instead of buying cheap online junk. Speak with your mom or dad; they may have health insurance that would cover some of the cost of the exam and the glasses.

  • My glasses cost around $200, but I was ensured so I got them for free, but I'm pretty sure you can get them tested for free

  • If you live in the US you should be able to get an eye exam and glasses for free under the ACA (ObamaCare). You can also get an eye exam for around $50-$60 if you shop around and you can get glasses from Zenni Optical online for less than $10.

  • About 200 to 300AUD

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