pope is a Nazi ?

He was not a kid he was 18 at the end of the war...

16 is when you can join the America in America now

If someone wants to represent a religion he should have fought against Nazi Germany in the time period of his life between 15-18.

I might even say younger than 15 if you are in Nazi Germany


I do attack things in my country.

I attack Capatalism

And wars


Update 3:

So give your life for jesus but not to stop a dictator that kills 12 million people?

Update 5:

"Edit: He did not give his life to Jesus, you're grasping at straws here. He is a human being, with weaknesses like everyone else."

If he is a pope he gave his life to Jesus.


  • The Catholic church in a way supported the Nazi movement, so it makes scene he is pope. However I don't think he or the church continue to support it's views.

  • Why aren't you fighting against every unfair thing happening in your country? You can not put him on a pedestal to attack him. He was young and probably scared of getting attacked for not supporting.

    I do not like the Pope, but you should find something worthy of attack before questioning him.

    Edit: Oh really? You're risking your life to fight against these things? No? You just complain anonymously on the internet? Cuz he probably would have at least been attacked if not killed for that.

    If he had fought, we wouldn't even be talking about him, because he would be dead and not the Pope.

    Edit: He did not give his life to Jesus, you're grasping at straws here. He is a human being, with weaknesses like everyone else.

    Edit: I meant for Jesus. He is still alive so obviously he hasnt given his life for anyone.

  • It will take a more than the man being in the Hitler Youth as evidence of his being a Nazi or a war criminal.

    How many german lads under 20 years of age fought against Nazi Germany in the underground? It wasn't a huge number. It is placing huge expectations on a person after the fact to discredit a person in the present.

  • No purpose student can heavily deny that Pius XII exchange into a minimum of sympathetic to the ideals of the Nazi's and different Catholic mass murderers which contain Mussolini and Franco, at worst, had an lively hand of their collaboration. One particular historic journey, that may't be denied even via the main persuasive of Catholic apologists is the progression in 1943 of the clearing of the Jewish ghetto of over a million,000 souls next to Vatican city. So mushy have been the Germans to a minimum of one among those direct "cleansing" suitable around the corner to the domicile of Pope Pius, that the German ambassador is recorded as pleading on behalf of Adolf Hitler for the Pope to make some form of unfavorable remark- proving he exchange into against the deportation. it rather is recorded through fact the main remarkable diplomatic gesture of international conflict II- a loose hit, wherein the Pope might have suggested something he needed with finished diplomatic information that Hitler himself had approved a reaction. somewhat, the pontiff suggested no longer something and all yet a dozen have been murdered. To this very day 2007, the Vatican refuses to remark in this crime against humanity interior the shadow of St Peter.s To this present day, no pontiff has ever apologised to the fewer than 15 survivors, nor even shown the human decency to fulfill them. The inventory primary answer tosuch irrefutable info is to disclaim- deny it ever got here approximately, if pushed to declare it exchange into basically some dozen persons, if pushed demanding use different much less credible sources to counter the info, if finally pushed into the corner- attack the answerer and seek for to have it got rid of.

  • To answer the question: Yes, he was in the Hitler Youth. Whether he actually believed in the Nazi cause is another matter entirely.

    Whether he was a Nazi or not has no bearings on the fact that I find his actions and statements as pope morally questionable at best.

  • Everybody is a hero from a computer.

    By Law every youth had to be part of the Hitler Youth. He ran away with the communists? Nazis execute his family because of treason and if they don't Kill them they send them to a concentration camp for being political dissident and he couldn't really trust any of his Friends or extended family because they may or may not be part of the Secret Police better known as the Gestapo. So yeah, From your computer were you can only imagine how living under such a dictatorship really is, it must be easy for you to judge and imagine yourself as a Revolutionary fighting for the freedom of the People.

  • Is the motive behind this question your wanting to truly know if he's a Nazi or not ? Or is it the fact that he just openly condemned homosexual behavior ? Because I'm willing to bet it's the latter.

  • Do you understand that Nazi was a political party? And that ordinarily one had to be 21 to join? (Ratzinger turned 18 only 2 weeks before Hitler killed himself.) And that "Clergymen and other persons who have strong denominational connections cannot be admitted"? (Ratzinger was a seminarian.)

  • The Pope at the time supported Nazism, certainly aided Hitler's rise to power. When it got really bad he then opposed things, but a lot of damage was done by then.

  • He is definitely a person of hate.

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