Tips to a successful diet?

I am going on a diet to loose 10-15lbs... (i'm 14) and I want to know what will help me... here is what I am doingg alreadyy.

♥No Soda (i drink Propel and 100% Juices instead)

♥Salads before meals (because I heard that salads fill u so u eat less junk)

♥excersize 1/2 hr to 45 mins a day

♥eating fruits and vegetables for snacks and with meals (at school we get some pretty suckyy food so I plan to take my own lunch or a part of a lunch to eat every day)

♥Less greassy food/fast food

I would like to know:

How many calories should you eat a day?

How many calories should you ear per meal?

How many servings of fruits&veg, protien, dairy, etc do you need a day?

Any other tips?





pimpinpony||hahaha! that was sooooo funny! not... asshole... why don't you take a **** and eat it.. grow up.


  • The no soda is great, but make sure the juices don't have too much sugar. It is good to exercise an hour a day.

    To determine all the answers to your questions go to this cite:

    type in your weight and it will tell you everything you need to know!

    Hope this helps!

  • I would cut out the Propel and juices, especially the juices. Those bring little but empty calories because of all the sugar. To get the vitamins, you're better eating the fruits. Drink water and milk instead.

    Otherwise, you're doing all the right things. You might want to keep a food diary - it's ok to indulge in ice cream, cookies, etc. once in a while. Actually it's not a bad idea because it'll lessen your chances of bingeing...

    You probably want to aim for about 1400 cals, distributed throughout the day. That will depend on you. Some people like 3 bigger meals; others prefer 5-6 small meals. See what works for you.

    Remember the good old food pyramid? It's still applicable! That'll give you an idea of how many servings of fruits/veggies (5-6/day), bread/carbs, protein (2-3/day), etc. At your age, you really need calcium and iron. Don't skimp on those.

    Good luck! Don't do anything stupid with your diet and you'll enjoy the benefits of healthy living for a long time!

  • Eat smaller portions and ZERO trans fat. And NO fast food, you have to cut that comppletely. About 1200 if you want to lose weight. Be careful, 10 to 15 is a lot. Keep track at the website I listed below. On the website on the left click the "my pyramid tracker." it will show you how many calories you're consuming and keep track of what you eat all day.

    I just read someone posted something about ACAI BERRY. This is a good suppliment, but make sure you dont get the FREE trial online. They will send you a supply, but the will also charge your bank account another $80 after 15 days every month. Then they don't have any contact information to cancel. The phone number is fake.

  • I think you should eat a good 2000 calories per day, and if you have a 3 course meal per day eat like 200 in breakfast, and 900 in lunch + dinner.

    But some people say that you should eat the most in breakfast and lower your calorie intake in lunch and then even less in dinner before you sleep.

    Eat 5 servings of fruits/5 servings, and on the back of every box it says ____ g = _____% so just do the calculation and you will see how much of each thing you should be eating,

    Hope i helped,


  • Keep at it!! That is the key! All it takes is time and patience. That's the REAL truth. You don't need to get all crazy about nutrition, just know what you should be eating.

    1. Drink LOTS and LOTS of water.

    2. Eat fruits and vegetables as snacks instead of ice cream or chips

    3. Get AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep EVERYNIGHT.

    4. Exercise! Combine light weight lifting with cardio!

  • There has been a lot of press regarding Oprah's acai weight loss diet, and most of it has been positive. You know why? Because this product actually works quickly and without much having to give up many of your favorite foods.

    Unlike many celebrity fad diets, the acai diet is actually centered on a formula for success, the highly metabolic acai berry.

    The pulp of the nutritious berry is made up of powerful antioxidants which help cleanse your system and reduce your appetite. However, not only do they reduce your appetite, but they also purify your system from free radicals which may be causing you to store fat in the first place! Additionally, this tiny purple fruit found in the Amazonian rainforest also helps you naturally raise your metabolism, so that you burn fat faster on a regular basis. This means that if consume these berries on a regular basis you will burn two times as many calories as you normally would, completely naturally!

    I know for a fact that I am happy they work, my girlfriend lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks, and she now looks awesome! . She only had to pay like $5 for shipping, and got a 2 week supply! Check out for more information

  • well its 2000 but for a diet i would say bout 1300 so when u work out you burn like half of them

    i suggest 300 to 400 calories a meal

    fruits and veg's idk bout that

    and my tip is eat pickles or hearts of palm they are about 7 or 12 calories like 3 or 4 pieces and for pickles its like 15 for 7 pieces and that fills you up fast trust me

  • here's a huge tipp keep yourself busy get out of the house do work cause just sittin or watchin tv will make u wanna snack

  • First place weight loss plan quite does artwork. you ought to stability all the foodstuff communities. no longer something is excluded, you basically ought to consume sparsely. First you ought to choose your BMI and then consume much less energy than you're able to desire to loss weight.

  • don't just cut down on greasy food and fast food, eliminate it altogether.

    natural foods that come from plants/trees instead of processed food

    for example broccoli, cantaloupe, grapes, rice

    not: burgers, burritos,

    about 1500 cals/day is good. count them all. write it down.

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