do you think I'm a rebel?
My parents say I'm a rebel but I'm not sure...
I do:
my homework
get good grades
listen to teachers
in a sports team (varsity woo!) lol
but i don't listen to anything my parents tell me...if they tell me to do something, I usually don't do it.I know this is bad,but I answer back to my dad when we have fights..I saiy bad words at school in front of little kids but not in front of teachers..I do give a **** about school but not about what people think.I have been kicked out of my house sometimes.If it matters how I dress..I wear skinny black or blue jeans with a tank top or a shirt i mostly buy at am i actually a rebel? I feel like i just stand up for what I think is right and fair. Thank you for your in advance
ok if you are going to insult me didnt you just read? i dont give a **** about you insulting me. i think they are hilarious because maybe your life is so miserable that you need to insult someone online chill.i would really appreciate helpful and constructive answers.thanks
Yes, Without A Cause!
Nah, you just sound annoying.
EDIT: Haha, Sorry but you weren't guaranteed a good answer hun, I just said what I thought. You don't have to listen to it, you don't have to agree with it, you don't have to give a damn about it!
And btw quoting yourself " i think they are hilarious because maybe your life is so miserable that you need to insult someone online chill"
Hmm...Instead of being mature and taking criticizm, you reverse the tables and call us miserable. How hypocritical you are
And you can stand up for what you think is right and fair, i personally think that's a good thing, just make sure you're respectful, which you really haven't been so far
. Ehh...anyways, enjoy the rest of your day. I'm not gonna waste anymore time on this ****.
Nah just girl who trying to found her inter reality,and figure out who she is.All kids goes through that stage some point in their lives.
You sound more like a snotty little brat.