why do Muslims adopt aspects from other cultures?

this post is in regards to another post

about basant(or whatever it is)

but someone said that muslims are losers cuz they adopt others traditions such as basant from the hindus WHY?

also something most people dont know or dont want to know is why did the muslims after the death of prophet muhammad then why did we adopt the veil from the byzantines (kafirs at the time)

at the time of muhammad no muslim woman was required to cover her hair it was just cultural to do so

then why do so many women say its mandatory

its written down in the hadiths that its mandatory but not all hadiths are true

now are they

the hadiths were written by men who at the time were very sexist and wanted male dominance

yet muhammad(pbuh) wanted equality

so why have many muslims adopted these nonislamic charecteristics



i wonder why and then people say its islam that tells us to do things like wear the hijab or veil

it isnt its adopted and most people can understand that fact

that it was adopted after muhammad(pbuh) by some men from the byaznitines who were (kafirs)


  • I too wonder the same.....

    i dn't know sister..maybe people with knowledge will answer...


    I agree with Hope..But i wonder what is the criteria upon which we can choose or reject a custom if it doesn't have neither good nor bad effetcs...

  • it is mandatory to wear the hijab , the Qur'an says so, meaning Allah said so. If you read the Qur'an, perhaps you wouldn't be asking such a question with an obvious answer like this. the women at the time of the prophet DID wear hijab....in fact they wore the face veil as well, and so do i, because i believ it is mandatory. do some research before you say Muslims adopt other cultures. Islam is Islam.

  • Because Muslims were allowed to practice their own cultures as long as they are not in anyway against the teaching of Islam. Not only that, Islam is so flexible, that it encourage the Muslims to adopt good cultures from others. As on wearing veil, it is to keep dust and dirt out of the women faces; so that they will always look smashing and adorable like angels.

  • Islam replaced interior sight cultures greater effectively than different religions did. this is why Islam is basically uniform for the duration of the ummah. specially, the greater you progression from the middle-east, the fewer 'extreme' Islam will become. Eg. Indonesia has the international's greatest Muslim inhabitants, yet Indonesians are nonetheless afraid of ghosts and pre-Islamic cultural techniques. in case you pass to North Sumatra this is like very strict with shariah regulation; in case you pass to Java this is lots greater comfortable with even prostitution on the streets it relatively is tolerated via the society. In West Africa and China, this is not uncommon to verify Muslims eating beer. Wars in Sierra Leone, Gunnea and different situation spots have great Muslim populations, yet for the duration of conflict they're going to do the craziest crimes with no theory-approximately what they're doing or their Muslim identity... this is possibly basically a popularity to them. Bosnia's a competent occasion... they're very eu in particularly much each little thing. eating alcohol is carefully conventional, zinna isn't punished, and that they does not even understand what one million/2 the hadiths say approximately canines and artwork interior the homestead. maximum Bosnians i understand no longer basically coach their hair, yet shade it blonde, and donning makeup and revealing outfits is seen conventional. Even in Chechnya the Wahabbi mujahids have been shocked to verify their Chechen bretheren eating vodka and dancing as though it have been thoroughly conventional. As you already know, vodka is critical to Russian lifestyle. In South Asia, this is been mixed with the Hindu device in some techniques, ensuing in some very unusual eventualities the place the girl will pay the guy a dowry and Muslims inspired if no longer forced to marry Muslims that are in the comparable caste. definitely even interior the united kingdom dozens of ladies are forced to marry adult men from Pakistan they do no longer even understand and may well be killed for refusing, even although Islam prohibits marriage against consent!

  • Ill Minded people , we feel proud to speak English mixing with our languages while we are in our own people , (I mean Not here) just to show of, we think that we will be looking developed and Educated by copying other traditions and cultures ,

    look at our Traditions , Our Wedding ceremonies , our funerals , our daily life

    its a status symbol now adays to copy other cultures.

    if copying is the criteria for development then i think Monkey is the more Developed.

  • Islam is a religion for all not only for certain people so we are allowed to continue what we've been doing in our culture as long its not contradicted with teaching of Islam.

  • Follow any culture you want as long as it doesn't conflict with teachings of Islam.

  • your right

    the quran doesnt command you to wear the hijab

  • wow u r really misguided, ur probabaly a wahabi sunni

  • agree on one thing! a lot of Muslims are losers! those who reject Saheeh Hadeeths..

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