help to pass a drug test?
i shot crack and half a morphine pill on wednesday and i just found out im getting drug tested tomarrow for a job, that would mean i havent used drugs for 2 days how can i get the last bit of drugs out of my system in time, maybe it would help to note i have only used cocain tuesday and wednesday and opiates the first time in a year
"maybe it would help to note i have only used cocain tuesday and wednesday and opiates the first time in a year" -- No it doesn't help. It tells us you're weak and you fell off the wagon. There's no way to help you pass this test, no honest way. You should be more concerned about getting clean and staying clean. How could you continue to screw up your life this way? Do you still see your PO? You know he'll be notified.
If its a urine test then use someone else's urine. Ask them to urinate in a bottle for you then well its common sense from there...
Detox drink but its too damn late
I hope you don't get the job junkie .,.