how do you catch a dog outside?

Two of the dogs that i was watching after got outside and wont come back in i have tried everythingg. chasing them, shaking the food bag, waiting for them to come to me and they wont answer to me. HELP!


  • Option 1:

    when they do this, start running around outside, in the opposite direction of where they are, they'll start chasing you, then run into the house and they will come in after.

    Option 2:

    bring their leashes to the door. They will think they're going somewhere and obediently come in

    Option 3:

    bring the treats outside, sit down and they will come running to them

    Option 4:

    begin to chase them, and then fall. They will come to see of your alright, then CATCH them.

  • What Elaine said.

    I had a Greyhound get out when an elderly relative answered the door without thinking. Waste of time chasing or shouting. With that one I knew car rides were her absolute favorite thing so I got her attention by jingling the car keys and opening the back door. She came back immediately and jumped in. And got a nice ride to the park for being a good girl.

    Part of my emergency recall for my current dog is a little squeaker toy she knows is mine and hasn't got to keep yet.

  • I toss a special treat toward them (such as a bit of hot dog or string cheese and then start dropping little treats as I walk back to the door (keep them tiny so they want more). This will work once or twice. Train the dogs to come so it doesn't keep happening. the instructions are on the site below

    Good luck.

  • Stop chasing them, it only makes them run.

    Sit down on the ground with the food. They'll come to someone that's not a threat, meaning down on the ground. Use a ball to get their attention, have it near you, don't throw it. When you grab them make SURE you do it right the first time or they'll stay out of reach.

    It goes without saying that they should have been on collar and leash.

  • either these dogs are highly deprived of exercise so they are so excited they wont listen or they are completely over fed for them not to respond to food. try a toy that they like. some dogs respond to toys

  • Its very properly they're in simple terms worms; very virtually each canines is born with them. Take the two canines to the vet. for checkup and medicines if necessary for Poe. as long as there is not any intestinal harm she ought to be superb.

  • If available try Chicken or Steak, always worked for me, but they were in my garden, throw directly

    to them, in small pieces to within you reach. Good luck.

  • Lay down and make some low moaning noises, they will probably come to investigate.

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