backed up into a car, whos fault?

so i backed up into someone who was parked in a redzone which is illegal for him to park there and caused some damage to his car and my car. i would like to know whos fault is this? do i get the blame for all of it because i backed up and hit him, or can it also be his fault for parking in a red illegal zone?


  • Your Fault 100%.

    Will you hit a guy standing in middle of the road by saying that he was standing there illegally ?

  • He might get a ticket for parking in a red zone, but the accident is 100% your fault, you hit a parked car.

  • it,s your fault because you hit a parked car even though they were parked illegal. they probably will get a ticket but it,s fault for hitting them.

  • The car may have been in an illegal zone, but you still caused the damaged.for all you know the other car may have broken down.

  • Whose fault do you think it is - you backed into a stationary object. It's 100% your fault. Next time, look in the where you're backing.

  • Insurance company may put him at some fault, but yeah you are at fault. You were in the MOVING vehicle. You have to control your vehicle.

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