Teenage pregnancies?

Carrying on with this interesting theme. Are teenage girls getting pregnant because they don't understand how sex works or because they just think it won't happen to them?


Lord Elvis - yes, I was going to put 'lifestyle choice' as one of my options but thought it might cause offense. Surely there can't be any teenage girls ignorant to the birds n bees?


  • They are getting pregnant because they see no wrong in it,our bewildering PC happy teachers social workers mentors and anyone connected with educating these girls, are scared stiff to stand up and say its not fair. To teach these girls right from wrong is not the done thing, from the time growing up getting married and then having babies fell out of fashion you now have a band of feral often one parented kids/youths who's mothers and fathers never married never committed or in most cases never loved or supported them then why should they,

    its a sad state of affairs and any way you read it its sad its a state and affairs lead to unwanted children.

  • If they are going to have sex, it would help if they used contraception. But religious whackos have filled their heads with rubbish and the anti abortion brigade aren't helping either.

    They are teenagers for goodness sake - not mums!

  • The easiest way to get a flat.

  • I'm the mother of a fifteen year old and what she tells me makes my blood run cold.

    There's only one reason why teenage girls have sex - it's to get that ultimate prize - a boyfriend. And then they have to keep him. And then, when he sleeps with their best friend, they have to get revenge by sleeping with his best friend!

    It makes my blood run cold. And by the way, most of them seem to be drunk too, at the time.

    Even adults can't get contraception right all the time, why on earth do we expect our kids to? I don't trust my child to hand in her homework on time!

    Kids are kids, they think it will never happen to them. They don't have the self confidence to say no, and quite frankly, there is so much sex around in our society, that there is no desire to say no.

    Grownups have sex indiscriminately. Therefore they do too.

  • Blame the parents.

  • In australia .. we get paid what is called a BABY BONUS for each child born ... Now when I had my child some TIME back .. it was around $900.00 it is now nearly $4,000 ( or more if another aussie wishes to correct me) .....

    Now I am NOT saying ALL teenage pregnancies are inspired by this payment .. BUT there have been some .. KINDA sad really ......

    I think in most cases .. many teenagers don't actually know what a great responsibility having a child is .......so they don't consider in depth the consequences of falling pregnant.....

    i think the teenagers of today know a lot more ( re how pregnancies happen) than what SOME teens of my generation did ... can still remember a school friend of mine trying to convince me that you can't fall pregnant the first time you had sex .... BIGGEST MYTH OUT.

  • I cannot understand why any girl would like to cut short her enjoyment of life by having a baby while she is young and single. Can't they see that it is a lifetime, lifechanging event that they are responsible for, for at least 18 years? Obviously not! As for giving them a council house/flat .....? Considering that most of them have never washed a cup or ironed a skirt, let alone run a home, they should be compelled to stay with their family and their family should be made to take care of them.

    As someone who is from a 'single' person family in the fifties, I would never in a million years want to live through that again. The stigma, the excruciating poverty, having to scrimp and save, have all my clothes handed down, no tv, no sweets or chocolate (no junk food either) because mum was trying to pay the bills and hold down a job without resort to 'national assistance' as it was called years ago, was quite enough for me to see that the only way to overcome this was to work hard.

    Having worked hard, studied and qualified and held down a demanding job, I resent having to pay (through my tax) for those who can't keep it in their trousers or keep their knickers on. I have no problem with supporting the innocent child, who should not have to suffer, but I do resent the lack or responsibility of the parents.

    On a different tack ..... why not go down the moral road of 'it is wrong to have s*x on a casual basis?

  • Personally I don't think there is any excuse for teenagers nowadays to not know all the facts about sex and babies. There is plenty of information out there for them and with a much more open attitude toward sex now than there was 10 or 20 years ago, I don't understand how these kids can't be properly educated about sex, pregnancy and STDs!

    I think a lot it is to do with the "it won't happen to me" attitude.

  • Teenagers are INCREDIBLY fertile. They only have to look at each other it seems to me. Don't worry, I'm not saying that's true, but they do get pregnant far more easily than older women

  • A lot simply don't think it will happen to them and maybe they get lucky for a while, but then get caught out. There are also the number that will sleep with their boyfriends to keep them and earn 'love', and these are the ones that dont respect themselves enough to make sure that they are protected.

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