how does porn degrade women but not men?

now i somewhat understand why feminist say it degrades women.. i disagree b/c most of the women in it want to be in it.. and it should not bring you down b/c you dont like it.. but i understand there point and the are entitled to that

what i dont understand is in there eyes it does not degrade men at all..

yet just as many men do porn as women they are both being paid to have sex... they are both a unrealistic expectation of what they should look like naked

so how does it not degrade men?



weather thats true or not... both are paid actors both can come and go as the plez.. and both set unrealistic standards

how they have sex is a irreverent point to the rest.. and how can you say no women like the positions they do??

Update 3:


on top off alll that that is what she wants... not all porn does anal.. if the women dosent want to then she wont do it...


  • Both men and women. Its absurd and not a surprise that feminists only look out for women in situations where both genders are at edge.

    In feminist eyes, only the women are naked.

  • Degradation Porn

  • It caters to the pre-existing urge. Who would have thought to make the first degrading porn movie if the things it portrayed weren't already present in the minds of men? Also, the reason that porn is so popular is because it caters to the things that men want, but can't have. Most men couldn't ever treat their SO's that way, so they watch a movie where they can explore the fantasy without hurting their wife or girlfriend. By the way, I'm not against porn either.

  • Look I'm a woman and here's my perspective on it. I don't think it is degrading, or rather, that I don't think it is intended on being degrading. Porn is usually directed by men, and it is also targeted for male viewers, therefore it exaggerates male fantasies.

    And if you will disregard my language, (if you are sensitive to language, skip down to the end of this paragraph) as a result you will see more blow jobs, threesomes, aggressive sex, anal, male dominant positions (doggie style), cumming on the girl's face, cumming in the girl's mouth. End of the sexual language.

    You also have to realize in this society we are very uncomfortable for talking about sex, parents can't even discuss this with our own children without both parties becoming uncomfortable. A young boy learns about sex in depth from the media, peers, and even porn. Porn is the only one of these that goes into graphic visual detail. The biggest consequence from porn, is that a very unexperienced boy who is having his first go at sex tries a few maneuvers from a porno.

    I don't think porn is a problem, and if women are having a problem with how it is targeted towards male viewers then perhaps they should voice their desire for porn to be targeted towards female viewers (although I think that would be called a romantic comedy).

  • Because 9 times out of 10 in porn, men are the ones in a position of power, and they often humiliate women during porn. It may be the other way around sometimes, but rarely.

  • Well for one feminists whine about a lot of things that are degrading to women especially porn. They think it's degrading to women because men are usually the dominate ones and ejaculate on them and they give men oral sex. They are so one sided because men give women oral sex too and I don't hear men saying it's degrading. Women sometimes squirt on men when they orgasm too. What about face-sitting too? So it's just as degrading to men as too women but most men don't care.

  • I think it is degrading to both. Men are just a walking penis in porn, half the time you can't see anything of them but their actual penis and it's pretty degrading IMO. And yes I consider myself a feminist.

  • More towards women though.

    But who cares, the pornstars don't speak for you.

  • In most porn scenes they only do positions and sex forms men like.

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