Why do Neocons…?

believe that they love Jesus and Jesus loves them, and that Jesus shares their hatred of AIDS victims, homosexuals, and Hillary Clinton? believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don't pray to Allah or Buddha?

Are you people mad at the Liberals for not having the same religious beliefs and being good moral Christian like you all??????


JVern: you sound too confused and angry to answer questions this morning. Take a chill pill and try again later...


  • Religious bigotry is vibrant and happening! With God on their side, who can be defeated or not justified in any action?

    Of course, you're all praying to the same diety.

    Where does God plainly state anything? Doesn't he/she love all his/her(emphasis on 'his/her') creatures?

    And what makes the Bible indisputable? It wasn't written by God.

  • I often wonder if the Republicans are deliberately trying to drive people AWAY from Christianity.

    With all the hatred shown towards the likes of Hillary Clinton and the "democraps" (It IS hatred, with all the nasty names thrown their way), thats not a very good witness for Christ.

  • Neocon means new conservative. Supposedly they are contemporary on social matters yet conservative on financial matters. relatively they look greater radical than mainstream on the two. in case you study right here 2 books you will get all the solutions you seek for which incorporate the place to discover the evidence.

  • How come democraps think that because some has a differing opinion than their own that the other person HATEs something.

    I think homosexuality is immoral and wrong. it spreads disease. Becuase of that you say I "HATE"

    I do not hate. I have an opinion of something.

    God is allowed to hate all he wants. it's his world,

    and he plainly stated that he hates homosexuality.

    And he plainly punished people for homosexuality.

    and he did not say he wouldn't punish them again.

    He did say he would forgive them if they came to know christ.

  • Nothing better than Christian love being spread at the end of laser guided bomb.

    I must have missed the part in the New Testament where Jesus said "Thou shalt bomb the hell out of your enemies."

    (sarsasm intended)

    God doesn't "hate" anything by the way. That is a purely human emotion.

  • LOL, love how you tie Hillary with AIDs victims, and homo's!

  • Yes, that is exactly what they are mad at. But don't waste your breath or time trying to change their minds. It ain't happening. Their minds are too closed to consider other viewpoints. Just live your life and keep your own beliefs close to your heart. Vote!

  • So, you DO admit that you are immoral. Thanks for pointing that out. How about instead of being so intolerant about Christianity you look at yourSELF! You think it is okay to be a Buddist or a Muslim, but NOT a Christian. You are exactly what you are railing against - hypocrisy is a b****, huh?

  • God doesnt hate anyone, he hates their sins..Being a Homo is a sin and they will go to Hell for it

  • You're babbling again, Michelle.

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